Traer, IA

Sunrise Hill Care Assisted Living

Landscape Architecture
Land Surveying
Permitting + Compliance
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Business Units
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Sunrise Hill Care Assisted Living

The Sunrise Hill Care Facility needed to add assisted living care to expand its offerings to the community. ISG’s design for the addition included four private resident rooms, a chapel, a beauty salon, and an assisted living wing. The new assisted living wing includes four two-bedroom and 13 one-bedroom units, each with individual mechanical rooms to allow for independent comfort controls. Other spaces include a new dining room, library, lounge, kitchen, sunroom, fitness room, two offices, laundry room, storage rooms, and a private rest room. Exterior site improvements included a private terrace area off the assisted living wing, parking area, and a walking path area with extensive retaining wall enhancements at the front of the building.

  • Four two-bedroom and 13 one-bedroom units
  • New dining room, library, lounge, and fitness room
  • Individual mechanical rooms for each apartment
  • Private terrace and walking path

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