Des Moines, IA

City of Des Moines Market District

Urban Stormwater
Streets + Corridors
Landscape Architecture
Land Surveying
3D Scanning
Permitting + Compliance
Planning + Feasibility
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City of Des Moines Market District

The Market District Green Infrastructure Plan aimed to rejuvenate Des Moines’s East Village through sustainability. Since 2020, we have led the plan’s implementation, providing design, construction administration, and traffic impact services. Over 80 bioretention cells were designed using 3D scanning technology and installed to improve water quality.

Our traffic engineering strategies saved significant costs by optimizing signal phasing and timing rather than making costly road modifications. The $750 million redevelopment revitalized 11 city blocks, introducing spaces for hospitality, retail, offices, and residences. This comprehensive approach has transformed Market District into a sustainable, accessible, and economically thriving area.

Five Benefits of Green Infrastructure For Your Community

ISG Urban Stormwater Rain Event

  • Green infrastructure framework
  • Urban stormwater management 
  • Multimodal streetscapes
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Applied Tech