Meet Interior Design Practice Group Leader Jane Miller

Samantha Boeck
Vice President, Talent Engagement
June 29, 2023

As the Interior Design Practice Group Leader at ISG, Jane Miller leads her growing team with a positive mindset and over 25 years of creative interior design experience. Discover more about Jane’s career journey, favorite aspects of leading the interior design group, and why she treks to Kansas City every year!

Tell me about how you came to be an interior designer in this industry?

My interest for interior design first sparked in high school while watching a movie where the main character was an interior designer. I thought it looked interesting and creative, and after researching it more I decided to pursue it as a career. I graduated from the University of Northern Iowa with a degree in Design and Human Environment and went on to work in residential design and then switched to commercial design. Now, 25 years later, I work on the full range of architectural interior design projects with ISG.

What is the most rewarding part about leading the interior design group?

One of the most rewarding parts of my job is the mentorship aspect. We have a vibrant growing team of young interior designers at ISG. It’s a lot of teaching, guiding, and helping these young professionals develop their full potential as great interior designers. This mentorship role has developed into some wonderful relationships. Our whole interior design group is super team orientated, positive, and ready to help, which has strengthened our teamwork, communication, and problem solving skills for each project we collaborate on.

What do you love most about ISG’s culture?

The positive attitude of every single employee owner. Everybody understands that we’re all on the same team and want to give our clients the best product possible. It feels rewarding to be surrounded by genuinely nice people and it is even better to work with such a supportive group. This positive team energy has been continuous since I started at ISG nearly six years ago.

What is the most interesting project you have worked on at ISG?

Maple River Schools was a really fun project. I was involved with the interior and furniture design from beginning to end. It is a K-12 building so our strategy was to make the design continuous for all the students but also individual for the different age groups. The client was open to ideas and wanted to incorporate school branding, engaging learning spaces, and variety in furniture for the students and faculty, which made the process an enjoyable and creative collaboration.

What is one piece of work-related advice you would give to a young professional?

Every part of a project is important. It may not be your favorite project or the most fun part of the project, but all the steps are needed in the design process to make it successful. Know you are always learning and that will be valuable in your future. It is always ok to ask questions, if you do not know why something is being done a certain way, if you don't understand what a client is wanting, ask questions. Information is key.

How do you like to spend your free time?

Lake time is the best time! We have a lake house and spending time boating with friends and family during the summer is one of my favorite things to do. When I am not out on the water, I enjoy cooking, reading, walking, shopping, and cheering on the Kansas City Chiefs. My family and I go to a game in Kansas City every year to watch them play. I have been a Chiefs fan for the past 35 years, so it has been extra fun these past few years watching them win!

#EmployeeOwner #ISGWaterloo #InteriorDesignLeader #ISGAllIn

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Samantha Boeck
Vice President, Talent Engagement
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Samantha Boeck

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